It’s been awhile.
I committed to myself to post one blog per month for the year of 2015. So far, I’ve been fairly successful. At this point, though, I have skipped at least two months (unless I publish today!).
The thing is, life is just overwhelming.

But now life is overwhelming because I’m back at work. It’s everything that a full-time job entails plus coming home and doing my normal care-taking plus preparing for the next day. The level of organization (and just plain old remembering) that is needed is draining. Often times my evening is a constant stream of questions in my mind: Do the babies have enough oat milk in storage to take to daycare? Are the kids’ clothes packed for the next day Did I make my breakfast? What will I take for lunch? Did Ana get her bedtime snack? Is she even dressed for bed? Where is she anyway?
As the kids get older and the baby haze continues to fade, things are both getting easier and staying difficult. Although I’m not changing as many diapers, I am rushing kids to the potty. Although I’m not pumping or breastfeeding, they are asking for a snack or another cup of milk. And even though they can walk, now I’m breaking up fights over toys. Things are easier in some ways, but the challenges are different.
Don’t get me wrong. It’s all wonderful. But it’s also so much, and that’s why you haven’t heard from me.
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