Wednesday, August 19, 2015

The Unfortunate Thing About Being a Spouse

     There is one very unfortunate thing about being a spouse.  It also happens to be the very best thing.  When you marry someone, you get all of them.

     You get the wonderful things that your spouse bring also: partnership, friendship, companionship, security, etc.  You have someone to celebrate with, vent to, laugh and cry with.  You have someone who knows you and understands why you are happy, sad, excited or frustrated.  They know your story and they help you make it the story you want it to be. 

     On the other hand, you get ALL of your spouse.  You get all of their irritating habits, their cleanliness/messiness, the baggage they bring from their childhood or past relationships, their honesty and their bad or cranky attitudes. And sometimes, that's very unfortunate. :-)

(By the way, I am also speaking about myself as a spouse.)